Consulting Services
Here in Commissioning123 we recognise and accept that all the answers don’t always reside in the documentation package which supports our service. It can quite often be the case that help is required through; lack of experience, lack of confidence, apprehension and nervousness or, simply, because this is a new and different area than that previously worked on.
For that reason we have chosen to augment Commissioning123 methodology by offering an additional bespoke service to anyone who wants to take a more personal and direct approach. We have expertise available within the Commissioning123 ‘family’ who have aided & facilitated clients worldwide. As well as offering training & mentoring for Commissioning123 and Completions software, we also provide technical writers and qualified personnel who will undertake all types of analysis, review & assessment [audits] specific to requirements. These services are in addition and can be accessed by contacting Commissioning123 direct.
Your enquiry will be dealt with in complete confidence by a senior member of the company, he or she will listen to what you have to say, evaluate your personal requirements and discuss the options available.